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How Bridging Loans Can Help You Secure Your Dream Home Now

1 October 2020

If you want to move into your new home fast, and don’t want to wait until your current home is sold, a bridging loan may be what you are looking for. A bridging loan is a short-term loan designed to finance a new home while you are still in the

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Ways to Save Up for a Home Loan Deposit Fast

24 September 2020

A 20% deposit on a mortgage is often a sum in the hundreds of thousands and can be a daunting amount of money to try and save up. Many first home buyers have never gotten their savings anywhere close to the 6-figure range and have a lot of difficulty saving

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Refinancing Your Home Loan After Divorce

16 September 2020

Depending on the circumstances of your divorce and what you want to do with your mortgage you may be forced to refinance your home loan after a divorce. The options available to you after divorce include buying out your ex-wife or husband, selling your share of the property to your

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4 Ways for Reducing Mortgage Expenses

11 September 2020

With many people feeling the financial strain during these troubling times it is becoming more important to find ways to reduce your expenses and save more. If you own a home, there are a number of things you can do to reduce the costs of your home loan both in

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